Sharing data for cancer research
Data from: Intensity-modulated proton therapy decreases dose to organs at risk in low-grade glioma patients: results of a multicentric in silico ROCOCO trial. 2018. doi:10.17195/candat.2018.05.1.
CanDat - 2018 Eekers - Data LGG .ods (157.14 KB)
CanDat - 2018 Eekers - Data LGG .xlsx (183.07 KB)

The posterior cerebellum, a new organ at risk?. Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology. 2018;8:22 - 26. doi:10.1016/j.ctro.2017.11.010.
Data from: Benefit of particle therapy in re-irradiation of head and neck patients. Results of a multicenter in silico ROCOCO trial. 2016. doi:10.17195/candat.2016.04.2.
From Data to Decision - A Knowledge Engineering approach to individualise cancer therapy. GROW - School for Oncology and Developmental Biology. 2016;Ph.D.:175. doi:10.17195/candat.2016.07.01.
Dissertation - full (6.52 MB)
Propositions (51.51 KB)

Data from: A validated Tumor Control Probability model based on a meta-analysis of low, intermediate, and high-risk prostate cancer patients treated by photon, proton, or carbon-ion radiotherapy. 2015. doi:10.17195/candat.2015.10.8.
Walsh - TCP meta-analysis of patients treated with photon, proton and c-ion radiotherapy (CSV) (15.82 KB)
Walsh - TCP meta-analysis of patients treated with photon, proton and c-ion radiotherapy (XLS) (13.85 KB)

Data from: Development and Evaluation of an Online Three-Level Proton vs Photon Decision Support Prototype for Head and Neck Cancer - Comparison of Dose, Toxicity and Cost-Effectiveness. 2015. doi:10.17195/candat.2015.10.5.
PRODECIS-HNC-results.xlsx (43.25 KB)
PRODECIS-HNC-Figure-2.png (47.07 KB)

Benefits of a clinical data warehouse with data mining tools to collect data for a radiotherapy trial. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2013;108(1):174 - 179. doi:10.1016/j.radonc.2012.09.019.