
Below you find an overview of file attachments to the different protocols or publications. You can directly download the files of interest or go to the item itself by clicking the links.
Year Title File
2021 EPTN International Neurological Contouring Atlas - 2021 Update
2021 EPTN consensus-based toxicity scoring standard for the follow-up of adult brain and base of skull tumours after radiotherapy
2018 EPTN consensus-based guideline for the tolerance dose per fraction of organs at risk in the brain
2017 Atlas for the delineation for organs-at-risk in NSCLC
2017 EPTN International Neurological Contouring Atlas
2017 ULISSE: Umbrella protocoL ISSue for oncological patiEnts
2017 Developing and validating a survival prediction model for NSCLC patients through distributed learning across three countries
2016 Advanced MR Imaging Protocol for Glioblastoma
2016 Development and evaluation of an online three-level proton vs photon decision support prototype for head and neck cancer – Comparison of dose, toxicity and cost-effectiveness
2015 A validated prediction model for overall survival from Stage III Non Small Cell Lung Cancer: towards survival prediction for individual patients.