We're glad to announce that we have introduced persistent identifiers for our datasets using the DOI system. This offers persistent, semantically-interoperable resolution to CancerData research material. Furthermore, it simplifies and stimulates the re-use of valuable data for the community. One example is given here: doi:10.17195/candat.2015.10.5
We'll gradually add new and convert previous material to adhere to the new publication method. To mint and maintain our DOIs, we use the services of DataCite :
DataCite is an international consortium, co-founded by TU Delft Library, and member of the International DOI Foundation (IDF). Its general aim is to promote the use of permanent identifiers in research and institutions of higher education, the specific objective being to enable the registration of DOIs. Members are not-for-profit organisations who use DataCite's Registration Agency. DataCite members provide local representation and support for researchers in many countries around the world.