
Error message

  • Warning: Undefined array key "body" in altmetric_node_view_alter() (line 55 of sites/all/modules/altmetric/altmetric.module).
  • Warning: Undefined array key "#markup" in altmetric_node_view_alter() (line 55 of sites/all/modules/altmetric/altmetric.module).

Prognostic value of metabolic metrics extracted from baseline positron emission tomography images in non-small cell lung cancer

Carvalho S, Leijenaar RT, Velazquez ER, Oberije C, Parmar C, van Elmpt W, Reymen B, Troost EG, Oellers M, Dekker A, Gillies R, Aerts HJ, Lambin P


Download the images using these instructions and this DOI:10.3109/0284186X.2013.812795



Maximum, mean and peak SUV of primary tumor at baseline FDG-PET scans, have often been found predictive for overall survival in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. In this study we further investigated the prognostic power of advanced metabolic metrics derived from intensity volume histograms (IVH) extracted from PET imaging.