Overview of CancerData publications

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A list of Publications presented on CancerData is given below.
Authors Title Year of Publication DOI
D.B.P. Eekers Optimization of Brain and Head & Neck Radiotherapy 2018 10.17195/candat.2018.12.7
D.B.P. Eekers; Lin 't Ven; S. Deprez; L. Jacobi; E. Roelofs; A. Hoeben; P. Lambin; D. De Ruysscher; E.G.C. Troost The posterior cerebellum, a new organ at risk? 2018 10.1016/j.ctro.2017.11.010
A. Jochems; T.M. Deist; I.El Naqa; M. Kessler; C. Mayo; J. Reeves; S. Jolly; M. Matuszak; R.Ten Haken; J. van Soest; C. Oberije; C. Faivre-Finn; G. Price; D. De Ruysscher; P. Lambin; A. Dekker Developing and Validating a Survival Prediction Model for NSCLC Patients Through Distributed Learning Across 3 Countries 2017 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2017.04.021
E. Roelofs From Data to Decision - A Knowledge Engineering approach to individualise cancer therapy 2016 10.17195/candat.2016.07.01
C. Oberije; D. De Ruysscher; R. Houben; M. van de Heuvel; W. Uyterlinde; J.O. Deasy; J. Belderbos; A.M.C. Dingemans; A. Rimner; S. Din; P. Lambin A Validated Prediction Model for Overall Survival From Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Toward Survival Prediction for Individual Patients. 2015 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2015.02.048
A.J.G. Even; J. van der Stoep; C.M.L. Zegers; B. Reymen; E.G.C. Troost; P. Lambin; W. van Elmpt PET-based dose painting in non-small cell lung cancer: Comparing uniform dose escalation with boosting hypoxic and metabolically active sub-volumes. 2015 10.1016/j.radonc.2015.07.013
E. Roelofs; A. Dekker; E. Meldolesi; R.G.P.M. van Stiphout; V. Valentini; P. Lambin International data-sharing for radiotherapy research: an open-source based infrastructure for multicentric clinical data mining. 2014 10.1016/j.radonc.2013.11.001
H.J.W.L. Aerts; E.Rios Velazquez; R.T.H. Leijenaar; C. Parmar; P. Grossmann; S. Carvalho; J. Bussink; R. Monshouwer; B. Haibe-Kains; D. Rietveld; F. Hoebers; M.M. Rietbergen; R. Leemans; A. Dekker; J. Quackenbush; R.J. Gillies; P. Lambin Decoding tumour phenotype by noninvasive imaging using a quantitative radiomics approach. 2014 10.1038/ncomms5006
E.Rios Velazquez; F. Hoebers; H.J.W.L. Aerts; M.M. Rietbergen; R.H. Brakenhoff; R.C. Leemans; E.J. Speel; J. Straetmans; B. Kremer; P. Lambin Externally validated HPV-based prognostic nomogram for oropharyngeal carcinoma patients yields more accurate predictions than TNM staging. 2014 10.1016/j.radonc.2014.09.005
S. Carvalho; R.T.H. Leijenaar; E.Rios Velazquez; C. Oberije; C. Parmar; W. van Elmpt; B. Reymen; E.G.C. Troost; M. Oellers; A. Dekker; R. Gillies; H.J.W.L. Aerts; P. Lambin Prognostic value of metabolic metrics extracted from baseline positron emission tomography images in non-small cell lung cancer. 2013 10.3109/0284186X.2013.812795
G. Nalbantov; B. Kietselaer; K. Vandecasteele; C. Oberije; M. Berbee; E.G.C. Troost; A.M.C. Dingemans; A. van Baardwijk; K. Smits; A. Dekker; J. Bussink; D. De Ruysscher; Y. Lievens; P. Lambin Cardiac comorbidity is an independent risk factor for radiation-induced lung toxicity in lung cancer patients 2013 10.1016/j.radonc.2013.08.035
E. Roelofs; L. Persoon; S. Nijsten; W. Wiessler; A. Dekker; P. Lambin Benefits of a clinical data warehouse with data mining tools to collect data for a radiotherapy trial 2013 10.1016/j.radonc.2012.09.019
E.Rios Velazquez; H.J.W.L. Aerts; Y. Gu; D.B. Goldgof; D. De Ruysscher; A. Dekker; R. Korn; R.J. Gillies; P. Lambin A semiautomatic CT-based ensemble segmentation of lung tumors: comparison with oncologists' delineations and with the surgical specimen. 2012 10.1016/j.radonc.2012.09.023
M.H.W. Starmans; K.C. Chu; S. Haider; F. Nguyen; R. Seigneuric; M.G. Magagnin; M. Koritzinsky; A. Kasprzyk; P.C. Boutros; B.G. Wouters; P. Lambin The prognostic value of temporal in vitro and in vivo derived hypoxia gene-expression signatures in breast cancer 2012 10.1016/j.radonc.2012.02.002
L.J. Dubois; N.G. Lieuwes; M.H.M. Janssen; W.J.M. Peeters; A.D. Windhorst; J.C. Walsh; H.C. Kolb; M.C. Oellers; J. Bussink; G.A.M.S. van Dongen; A. van der Kogel; P. Lambin Preclinical evaluation and validation of [18F]HX4, a promising hypoxia marker for PET imaging 2011 10.1073/pnas.1102526108
J. Loon; M.H.M. Janssen; M.C. Oellers; H.J.W.L. Aerts; L.J. Dubois; M. Hochstenbag; A.M.C. Dingemans; R. Lalisang; B. Brans; B. Windhorst; G.A. Dongen; H.C. Kolb; J. Zhang; D. De Ruysscher; P. Lambin PET imaging of hypoxia using [18F]HX4: a phase I trial 2010 10.1007/s00259-010-1437-x